Creative Counterpoints
Friday March 18, 2016 Lecture Hall, DMC 2:00pm-7:00pm Reception of Exhibition Arnheim Gallery 7:15pm-8:30pm
Creative Counterpoints (CCs) is a one-day interdisciplinary event that draws from the insights of different disciplines and media, and from a range of inspiring narratives by and about women artists, writers, educators and scholars. In Creative Counterpoints we examine the ways in which women’s creativity informs and is inflected by the ways in which we navigate social and cultural spaces, the personal and the political, our commitment to empathy and to social justice. The ‘counterpoint’ in the title refers both to a vision of women’s identity that welcomes contradictions and dissonances, and to the confluence generated by the diverse elements that are at play in the creative experience. Creative Counterpoints is designed to include conversations with speakers, presentations, a roundtable, and the closing reception of the student exhibition Creative Counterpoints at the Arnheim Gallery (March 14-19), a selection of the artworks produced by the undergraduate and graduate students in the Women’s Literature in Global Perspective course, taught by Marika Preziuso.